Lee Min-ho attending the Fendi event in Thailand

Comments: - Thailand must be in chaos again. - I'm jealous of your hand heart - Please film the drama quickly, don’t waste your good looksㅠㅠㅠㅠ - Wow that's amazing - He stands tall alone hahahaha - Wow, cool physique - The physical is amazing. - Wow, it’s crazy, Lee Min-ho is really crazy. - No matter what country you go to, you are surrounded by people. Superstar life. - The physicality is amazing - Wow, the ratio is merciless. - Wow - The ratio was crazy - A visual that can be recognized overseas - The appearance, physical proportions, and atmosphere are all perfect. Lee Min-ho, please work hard. - You're really handsome - Lee Min-ho is handsome and has good manners. I envy his hand heart ㅜㅜ - and the ratio is 👍 - Wow - Wow, that's cool. Lee Min-ho's height is just right. He's tall, but his proportions are perfect, his atmosphere is good, and I hope he does a lot of work. - Wow so popular - Lee Min-...