[TRANS] Knets react over Lee Min Ho latest pictorials with Dazed Korea


- Wow. This is totally different from Koh Hansu, wow that's cool.

- He really looks good.

- The picture came out great.

- Lee Min Ho looks the most handsome since Pachinko, his fashion is my style haha.

- He looks so good its crazy.

- It's not the evil Hansu, it's Lee Min-ho ㅋㅋ Yeah, it was Lee Min Ho, I like Lee Min Ho too.

- Huh, what is the last added pic? Wow Lee Min Ho Why are you doing this to me ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

- His beauty is crazy

- Wow, you are so handsome?!

- Wow looks good his eyes is crazy.

- Wow handsome.

Source: theqoo


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