[Trans] Pachinko ranked 5th as Best TV Show by TV Guide, knets react.

 Pachinko ranked 5th from 100 Best TV Show of the year by TV Guide

1. Abott Elementary (ABC)

2. Better Call Soul (AMC)

3. Severance (Apple TV+)

4. Succession (HBO)

5. Pachinko (Apple TV+)


- Pachinko and Severance are the hits of the year from Apple TV.

- Wow Pachinko

- Wow Pachinko daebak. Impressive.

- When the season 2 coming?

- I watched Pachinko a while ago and it was a masterpiece.

- Its so cruel it ended when the kimchi business started T.T When is the season 2 coming out T.T

- Season 2 looks like it will be a lot more fun, please make it soon, its hard to wait.

- Pachinko was made so well.. I liked Lee Min Ho more after watching Pachinko. After reading the book, i think season 2 will be more interesting. I hope it can come out soon.

- I watched Pachinko, im waiting season 2.

- Makes me so excited for season 2.

Source: The Qoo


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